Vegetable Oil Making Technology Classification & Comparison

There are generally 3 kinds of vegetable oil making technologies: physical hot oil pressing, cold oil pressing and chemical oil extraction. Below are the introductions of these 3 oil making methods.

1. Physical hot oil pressing

As its name indicates, this oil making method uses external force to achieve oil pressing. The oil pressing process includes the selection of oil seed, screening, de-stone and then squeezing to separate oil from oil seed, so as to keep the original taste and flavor of the oil. The edible vegetable oil made from physical oil pressing technology is of high quality, light color, pure flavor and has no chemical residue, which ensures safety, sanitation, no pollution, so more people choose this method for their oil making plant.
Hot oil pressing flowchart

hot oil pressing flowchart

2. Cold oil pressing method

Cold oil pressing is an upgrade of physical oil pressing method. ABC Machinery is one of the first manufacturers that adopt such advanced technology for the oil press. It is well known that the oil made in a low temperature can better preserve the nutrients of the raw materials that hot pressing making method, especially for high-end oil plants. The high end oil contains high amount of unsaturated fatty acid, but when the temperature exceeds 70 degrees Celsius, the important nutrients unsaturated fatty acids like flax acid, DHA, etc. will be completely destroyed.
To solve this problem, ABC cold oil press adopts the technology to control the steam amount and temperature which enters the steam cooker, in order to ensure the temperature of pressed oil does not exceed 60℃. This technology can effectively guarantee not to destroy the physiological active materials in oil raw material and make sure the oil be more nutritious and healthy.

3. Chemical oil extraction

Chemical oil extraction method that adopts a kind of organic solvent (Light gasoline No.6) which can dissolve oil and fats to contact with oil material (by soaking or spraying), so that the oil and fats can be dissolved in the organic solvent; then the mixed liquid is distilled under certain temperature and vacuum degree, and the oil is separated from the solvent. The extracted oil is colorless and tasteless. After extraction, most of the nutrients in oil material are destroyed, so most edible oil making factories do not adopt this technology now.

Chemical oil extration flowchart
chemical oil extraction flowchart

Comparison of 3 types of oil making technologies

  • Hot oil pressing method has no additives, no pollution and no precipitation, so that the vegetable oil quality is high and flavor is mellow. But press in the hot pressing process, the heat will destroy linoleic acid, DHA and other nutrients.
  • Cold oil pressing method is a technological innovation of physical pressing method. In addition to the advantages of hot pressing method, it also overcomes the problem of retaining nutrients, therefore the oil is better. But the oil making yield of cold pressing method is only half of the hot pressing method.
  • The oil extraction method applies the principle of chemical extraction, and the oil rate is high. However, in the process of chemical treatment, the natural components of the oil are destroyed, and there are solvent residues in the oil. So it is usually adopts by industrial oil making factories.
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